My work consists almost entirely of an on-going “serial portrait" of my wife, Colette Crutcher. This project began over 28 years ago when I began recording the physical and emotional changes she underwent during her first pregnancy. I became intrigued by the potential in a body of work focused on a single person, over time, time being the dimension missing from the conventional one-off portrait image. I saw the possibility, through a multiplicity of images, of depicting Colette as a whole person. Through the medium of her body, the outward expression of her inner self, I want to convey her subjective experience, as far as I understand it. A portrait is, by definition, one person interpreting another person, scrutinizing from the outside an ever receding mystery, one which even in an open-hearted woman like Colette, plays a teasing game of hide and seek. So the results of my efforts are always uncertain and provisional, full of gaps which I fill in with my own materials, making my portrait a kind of self portrait. In the end, what I have created is a hybrid entity, combining elements of both of us. My hope is that the viewer will come away with at least a sense of a powerful human presence, which is as good a way as any of describing my subjective experience of Colette in my life.